Stay Up to Date and Tune in to WGCH News Talk: Week of March 4th

Am1490 Wgch News Talk

Interview with Patrick LaRow | Greenwich Planing & Zoning

:20-:40 2 Tomney Road-27 Richmond Drive...approved

:40-2:30  267 Greenwich Ave..former Knapp Funeral Home...approved

2:30-3:30  31 Prospect Street...denied

3:30-5:45  Benedict Court-Benedict Place...left open

5:45-5:55  Greenwich Country Day School...postponed

5:55-6:20  414 Round Hill Road..approved with conditions

6:20-6:30  215 Old Mill Road..postponed

6:30-7:10  40 Ridgeview Avenue...left open

7:10-8:00  Neighbor to Neighbor...pre-application discussion

8:00-9:00  294 Mason Street..former Honda dealership...pre-application

9:00-10:00  411 Stanwich Road...pre-application discussion

10:00-11:25  Next meeting March 19..update on Central Middle School and
Hamill Rink Municipal Improvement

Interview with State Representative Rachel Khanna

:30-2:25  Glenville Cooridor project

2:25-4:20 Early Childhood education

4:20-5:30  Appropriations Committee work on the budget

5:30-6:25  Central Middle School state reimbursement