BHHS New England Properties

136 East Putnam Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830

Tel: (203) 869-0500

For Sale by this office For Rent by this office
Photo of Eric Bjork
Eric Bjork
(203) 869-0500

Our Team

Photo of Catherine Aaron
Catherine Aaron
(917) 887-3138
Photo of Candace Adams
Candace Adams
Non Member/Vendor
(203) 869-0500
Photo of Candace Adams
Candace Adams
(860) 571-7000
Photo of Scott Adams
Scott Adams
(917) 612-1925
Photo of Meg Allen Rodriguez
Meg Allen Rodriguez
(914) 374-8233
Photo of Maria Arning
Maria Arning
(203) 561-2509
Photo of Jill Barile
Jill Barile
(203) 219-5717
Photo of Robin Bartholomew
Robin Bartholomew
(203) 253-3575
Photo of Alyssa Bernstein
Alyssa Bernstein
(917) 903-7410
Photo of Gaynor Brennan
Gaynor Brennan
(203) 252-4650
Photo of Mindy Chanaud
Mindy Chanaud
(203) 809-8358
Photo of Mary Childs
Mary Childs
(203) 554-9931
Photo of Shashi Dayal
Shashi Dayal
(925) 457-8640
Photo of Holly Del Bello
Holly Del Bello
(203) 722-0439
Photo of Daniel DiPaolo
Daniel DiPaolo
(203) 249-4529
Photo of Parry Drake
Parry Drake
(203) 921-6210
Photo of Hannah Driscoll
Hannah Driscoll
(203) 536-6400
Photo of Jonathan Edmond
Jonathan Edmond
(475) 232-6352
Photo of Michael Erensen
Michael Erensen
(203) 536-7818
Photo of Lauren Faragasso
Lauren Faragasso
(203) 496-0458
Photo of Concetta Fazio
Concetta Fazio
(917) 697-1637
Photo of Joshua Fields
Joshua Fields
(646) 221-6662
Photo of Rita Fine
Rita Fine
(203) 912-1855
Photo of Mary Flynn
Mary Flynn
(203) 536-9798
Photo of Nancy Fogwell
Nancy Fogwell
(203) 550-5223
Photo of Nina Frandson
Nina Frandson
(646) 284-0088
Photo of Maria Friscia
Maria Friscia
(203) 921-5612
Photo of Leigh Frost
Leigh Frost
(203) 637-1771
Photo of Giselle Gibbs
Giselle Gibbs
(203) 536-2723
Photo of Gloria Gimenez Ferrer
Photo of Mie Glenn
Mie Glenn
(203) 249-1121
Photo of Holly Grinnell
Holly Grinnell
(203) 219-1887
Photo of Pierre Guiochon
Pierre Guiochon
(212) 439-8560
Photo of Mary Ann Heaven
Mary Ann Heaven
(203) 561-6915
Photo of Katharine Hohorst
Katharine Hohorst
(203) 253-2662
Photo of Mary Beth Hritz
Mary Beth Hritz
(203) 570-8104
Photo of Peter Janis
Peter Janis
(203) 249-1013
Photo of Roberta Jurik
Roberta Jurik
(203) 561-6602
Photo of Monica Kass
Monica Kass
(917) 859-8551
Photo of Malka Kravitz
Malka Kravitz
(203) 979-2050
Photo of Stefanie Lacoff
Stefanie Lacoff
(203) 536-9403
Photo of Margaret Lazlo
Margaret Lazlo
(203) 940-1274
Photo of Alison Leigh
Alison Leigh
(203) 667-7832
Photo of Sara Littlefield
Sara Littlefield
(203) 253-3350
Photo of Barbara Lusk
Barbara Lusk
(203) 321-1668
Photo of Jill Marchak
Jill Marchak
(203) 554-6775
Photo of Carline Martin
Carline Martin
(203) 249-9975
Photo of JoAnn McCarthy
JoAnn McCarthy
(203) 561-5160
Photo of Debbie McGarrity
Debbie McGarrity
(203) 273-3668
Photo of Annie McGinnis
Annie McGinnis
(203) 278-9186
Photo of Amanda Morgado
Amanda Morgado
(203) 919-0243
Photo of Dale Morrison
Dale Morrison
(203) 253-2710
Photo of Amanda Murasso
Amanda Murasso
(917) 436-2939
Photo of Charles Murray
Charles Murray
(203) 391-4484
Photo of Charles Nedder
Charles Nedder
(203) 524-4303
Photo of Peter Ogilvie
Peter Ogilvie
(203) 912-3946
Photo of Rachel Overton
Rachel Overton
(917) 887-1957
Photo of Karen Oztemel
Karen Oztemel
(203) 921-8490
Photo of Hilary Phillips
Hilary Phillips
(518) 376-1619
Photo of Claudia Pompa
Claudia Pompa
(203) 539-9458
Photo of Leonide Prince
Leonide Prince
(203) 962-6582
Photo of Robert Pulitano
Robert Pulitano
(203) 561-8092
Photo of Cesar Rabellino
Cesar Rabellino
(203) 249-9866
Photo of Gavin Reilly
Gavin Reilly
(845) 300-0304
Photo of Mark Sanford
Mark Sanford
(203) 219-2682
Photo of Daminder Sawhney
Daminder Sawhney
(203) 807-2405
Photo of Nancie Schwarzman
Nancie Schwarzman
(203) 233-7572
Photo of Ally Shaule
Ally Shaule
(203) 391-4065
Photo of Pepper Sheeley
Pepper Sheeley
(914) 805-0480
Photo of Jeanne Siddell-Strebel
Photo of Teresa Silvani
Teresa Silvani
(646) 283-1160
Photo of Tracy Smith
Tracy Smith
(203) 249-0763
Photo of Christina Sogaard
Christina Sogaard
(917) 997-8612
Photo of Maria Kelly Stevens
Maria Kelly Stevens
(203) 570-7021
Photo of Lauren Stever
Lauren Stever
(914) 262-4228
Photo of Harumi Stewart
Harumi Stewart
(203) 249-5668
Photo of Jim Stobie
Jim Stobie
(203) 218-5895
Photo of Junko Taki
Junko Taki
(203) 707-0886
Photo of Pam Toner
Pam Toner
(917) 319-1580
Photo of Frederik Van Der Weijden
Photo of Thomas Vozzella
Thomas Vozzella
(203) 561-0137
Photo of Gregg Wagner
Gregg Wagner
(203) 979-2652
Photo of Paula Waldman
Paula Waldman
(203) 273-1563
Photo of Julianne Ward
Julianne Ward
(203) 231-1064
Photo of Patricia White
Patricia White
(203) 609-1796
Photo of Joanna Willott
Joanna Willott
(475) 350-6173
Photo of Victoria Wilson
Victoria Wilson
(203) 521-0386
Photo of Victoria Yolen
Victoria Yolen
(203) 554-5099
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Listing information comes from various sources and may not always be accurate. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy of this information. You should verify any information that is important to your buying decision.
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